JFA Purple Orange

JFA Purple Orange is a social profit organisation with a mission to create a more inclusive world where people with disability have access to the same opportunities as everyone else.
Our work is driven by a commitment to rights-based inclusion. We are deeply committed to the values of:

  • Personhood, where people with disability are able to exercise personal authority.

  • Citizenhood, where people with disability are active citizens in the life of their communities.

  • Capacity Building, where the capacity of people with disability is enhanced at the individual, family and community levels.

JFA Purple Orange strives to be a strong ally to the disability community, a collaborative contributor to the disability sector, and a partner in policy to government.

Julia Farr Trust Funds

Julia Farr Trust Funds administers three trust funds designed to assist people living with disability. These are the General Distribution Fund, Short Stay Holiday Fund and JFA Noske Christmas Fund.  

Individuals must meet eligibility criteria to apply for these trust funds.

Find out more about the three grants.


Visit JFA Purple Orange


inhousing is an innovative social landlord focused on the needs of individuals with disability. We aim to improve the lives of people with disability by creating quality homes, developing inclusive technology and building inclusive neighbourhoods.

Services provided by inhousing include:

  • Social landlord of inclusive rental properties for people with disability.

  • Design and construction of inclusive homes.

  • NDIS SDA funds management and compliance for homes owned byindividuals.

  • Inclusive assistive technology solutions through our Stretchy Tech service.

Visit the inhousing website

JFM Fund

The JFM Fund (previously Julia Farr MS McLeod Benevolent Fund) is committed to funding work that creates new models of inclusion, where people with disability take up valued, contributing roles in communities of their choice.

We fund organisations and individuals with great, new, and disruptive ideas, supporting their innovation from start-up stage through to scale up.

Through our grants, JFM Fund supports work that develops, tests and grows innovation in disability inclusion and will influence policy and practice, beyond the direct impact of the funding.

Visit the JFM Fund website

Stretchy Tech

Since 2017, Stretchy Tech’s team of occupational therapists and technicians have been bringing life-changing results to people with disability through the provision of customised inclusive assistive technology.

Stretchy Tech is the inclusive assistive technology business unit of the Julia Farr Housing Association (trading as inhousing). It was created in response to a growing need within the disability community for simple and contemporary inclusive assistive technology solutions that allow people to achieve what they would otherwise find difficult or beyond reach.

Why Stretchy Tech?

  • They take a whole-of-life approach, with customised technology packages focused on increasing independence, dignity, wellbeing, and freedom, both at home and in the community.
  • They take the time to ensure we understand your situation and what you want to achieve in all areas of life.
  • They’re up-to-date with the latest technology, and they know what works. Once your custom technology package is ready, Stretchy Tech will work closely with you to get you operating this technology with ease, whether that be by hand, switch, voice control or other method. They review and adapt until we get it right!
  • They have top-level occupational therapists: the kinds who think outside the square and work collaboratively with their customers.
  • They are passionate technology geeks: the kinds of people who can't wait to play with the latest and greatest tech in a rapidly moving field.

If you have a goal in mind, visit their website to find out more about how Stretchy Tech can help you.

Visit the Stretchy Tech website